A Love Note
Some days I imagine you out there, feeling as empty as I do. Not because we’re not whole within ourselves. Rather, we’re just missing a piece of ourselves. I imagine you wondering what I might look like.
while I take the time to do the same.
I wonder how the universe will conspire for our first interaction with one another. Will we know right then? Or will it be discovered later down the road. Personally I think we’ll know it right then. I think we will click, and we will recognize a bond that we didn’t have previous recognition of.
Tonight I sit in silent darkness, writing this, and wondering if you’re wondering about me too. I think you are. It’s funny to think, right now we are complete strangers, yet, I know you’re out there.
I can’t see your face, but I can visualize you surrounded in all the earthly chaos that comes with living. You’re moving, moving without direction, but moving toward me nonetheless. As for me, I’m actively looking, I promise I won’t stop until I’ve found you.
We still have time.
Even as the clock strikes midnight
I know there’s still time.
I know there’s still time for us to meet
Theres still time for our first date.
There’s still time for our first kiss.
There’s still time for us to lay on summers grass and tell the stars what love means.
Still time to make two souls into one.
There’s still time for us to dance in our socks while I sing my favorite love songs to you.
There’s still time for me to write you sweet little love poems, while you rest peacefully in our bed.
I know you’re out there, and there’s still time for us.
Whoever you are, you are going to get a version of me who’s in control of himself, a healed version of me, the best version of me.
Come to me.
There’s still time.