Title: Clarity Amidst Storms: A Poetic Reflection Author: AverageBenjamin Date: [Date] Keywords: Clarity, Storms, Resilience, Nature, Focus Summary: Poetic narrative finding solace in nature's embrace amidst life's challenges, emphasizing focus and resilience.
In a forest, deep and serene, Stood a man, sturdy and keen. Amongst the trees, where shadows sway, He sought solace, in nature's way.
His weary eyes held a subtle haze, Life's burdens blurred in uncertain ways. Yet, within his soul, a fire burned bright, A glimmer of hope, a showing light.
Through tangled paths, he ventured on, Embracing nature's tranquil song. His steps unsure, like whispers of breeze, Yet, within his heart, he found the keys.
Amidst the forest's peaceful domain, A storm brewed, wild and untamed. Raindrops fell, with thunderous might, Yet, the man stood strong, against the night.
The tempest raged, with a fierce display, Testing his resolve along the way. But within his spirit, resilience grew, Defiant, he weathered the storm that blew.
As lightning pierced through the darkened sky, Revealing fragments, caught in his eye. The blurry world began to unfurl, Amidst chaos, he found a priceless pearl.
Each breath brought clarity anew, Vibrant colors, rain-washed and true. The forest whispered secrets untold, And his spirit awakened, clear and bold.
No longer lost in the haze's sway, He found his path, come what may. The man, steadfast amidst the storm's plight, In nature's embrace, he found his light.
Let us remember, when life's storms descend, Our strength and courage, we must extend. For within nature's embrace, we may find, The clarity to triumph, and peace of mind.
Blurry: lacking definition or focus.
When I first think of the word 'blurry,' I remember the first time I ever looked through my first telescope. I had Jupiter in my sights, but the image glowing back at me was as big as the entire lens. It just looked like a simple blob of light.
I happen to personally know the AverageBenjamin fan who submitted the word "blurry" is a photographer, who does phenomenal work, I might add. She has no doubt experienced the frustration of blurry images. I've personally witnessed her expertly toggling through camera settings, adjusting position and lighting just to capture the perfect shot. The perfect focus.
I can understand this frustration through my hobby of stargazing, for I worked furiously that first night looking through my brand-new 110mm focal length Orion refracting telescope. Just as I was about to give up for the night and return to YouTube University to try and figure out what I was doing wrong, I decided I would try one last thing. In a last-ditch effort, I decided to spin the 'focus wheels' counterclockwise. This would shrink the image, allowing more 'time' for the light to bend around the mirror and into the eyepiece meant for viewing.
Not really expecting anything to happen, I lazily peered into the eyepiece as my hands quickly performed the counterclockwise motion. Then, like a blink, I thought I saw a flash of clarity. As the light in the aperture began to grow in size again, I realized that I had gone too far. My hands stopped and now moved with slow intention back in a clockwise direction. The blurry light blob once again started to shrink until... boom! There it was in all of its glory: the fifth and largest planet in our system, and the protector of Earth. Surrounded by moons like four little diamonds in the sky, Jupiter.
I had gained focus.
The image below is very similar to what I saw that night.
Sometimes we must shift our focus from the grandeur of the horizon, if only for a moment, to gain the focus needed to see the path or solutions that lay right before us. Sometimes all one needs is a small and intentional adjustment to clear the blur.
This first word of the week was such a fun experience for me. It pushed me to think differently about one word a singular focus. On a word that I've known my whole life, but never stopped to consider it. Now it had new meaning to me.
I hope to continue this segment so please submit your words via the facebook page, email, or at the comments at the bottom of this piece.
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Perfectly Average ❤️